Equipment - software

Utilization: simulation of electromagnetic conditions and design of electromagnetic apparatuses.

Description: Opera enables a broad range of possibilities for design in the area of electromagnetics in combination with solving multi-physics problems. It consists of a modern 2D/3D geometric modeller, which enables import of standard CAD models and specialized high performance tools for simulation with finite elements. For example, the simulation of: a static electromagnetic field, a low- and a high-frequency electromagnetic field, a heat field, a mechanics field, design of linear and rotational machines, supercondacting magnets, radiative particles and their electric discharge, magnetizing, demagnetizing permanent magnets, hystereses in soft magnetic materials and analyses of an electrical field in conducting dielectric materials can be carried out.

Utilization: analyses of electromagnetic conditions, as well as design and optimization of electromagnetic apparatouses.

Description: CEDRAT FLUX is a commercial package. It uses FEM for computation of an electromagnetic field and a heat field in two- and three-dimensional geometry.

The software is suitable for:

  • static and transient including harmonic analyses;
  • parametric analyses;
  • analyses of coupled magnetic, electrical field and heat fields;
  • design of apparatouses coupled with external electrical circuit;
  • computation of coupled mechanical problems, etc.

Utilization: testing, measuring, controlling, analyzing data, sharing results and utilization in systems of distribution.

Description: LabVIEW is open modeling graphical environment of National Instruments. It enables quick generation of programs for execution of measurement, controls and data processing.