Research activity in the Laboratory is tightly connected with our educational process. The activity includes:
- production, transmission and utilization of electrical energy;
- design of electrical power apparatouses;
- highvoltage apparatouses and switchyards;
- renewable sources of energy and energy conversion;
- classical and smart electrical grids and operation;
- optimization in electrotechnique;
- modeling of elements of an electrical power system, magnetic and other non-linear models of electrical apparatouses;
- quality of electrical energy and orthogonal decomposition of current and voltage.
Fundamental projects:
- Energy Management System (EMS) for electric devices (J2-1742 / C)
Industrial projects:
International projects:
Fundamental projects:
- Influence of voltage fluctuation on generator life span (J2-0130-0796-98)
- Basic electrical parameters of three phases' loose conductors
- Computer research of corona influence on traveling wave
- Design of electromechanical regulating mechanical installations
- Difficulties of application of automation in northeast Slovenia
- Research of life span of an inductor
- Calculation of power flow in regards to reliability of elements of an electrical energy system
- Apparatouses of a distribution center
- Systemic research in power engineering
- Rational energy consumption with utilization of new control technologies
- Research of periodic and aperiodic inpurities in sinusoidal voltage in EES
- High performance apparatouses
- Research of possibility of direct connection of a solar generator on an electrical power system
- Reduction of voltage fluctuation (preparation of professional templates for drafts of regulations)
- Reduction of losses
Applied projects:
- Switchgears, new principles and improvement of current ones with artificial intelligence (L2-9047-0796-97)
- Design of alternative energy sources in Slovenia (2514-98-4532-14)
- Technological incentives for economy
- Mediumvoltage apparatouses with devided switches in SF6 gas (MZT 61-2959)
- Laboratory for high current
- Optimum energy utilization. A diagram of power flow
- Computer design of objects for distribution of electrical energy
- Optimum energy distribution
- Optimum energy utilization in settlements
- Methods for solving large optimization tasks
- Computer design of objects for distribution of electrical energy: calcualtion of short circuit
- Checking of prevoltage protection
- A power information system
Industrial projects:
- Reduction of voltage fluctuation
- Reduction of THD and increase of a power factor on an exciting part of HE Zlatoličje
- Solving problems upon introduction of half-isolated conductors in Slovenia
- A study of thermal treatment of solid waste from settlements for northeast Slovenia and depositing remaining waste after its incineration
- Energetic concepts of municipality Maribor
- Computer proceses control
- Program of municipal power restructure of city Maribor, Supply of energy sources: optimization of certain distribution and process systmes
- An electromagnetic contactor element
- Analysis of highfrequency disturbances in an electrical power grid
- A metal shielded cell with a vacuum breaker
International projects:
- Systéme d´Information Communal sur la base de Systémes d´Informations Géographiques (G.I.S.) sous aspects interregionaux ECOS-OUVERTURE 1998-2001 (in acceptance)